Guest Blogger - Being A Mom In The Village
My name is Nancy Elwell and I am a mother of four beautiful and equally different children. I have been in the military for 9 ½ years and have worked full time for the duration of my kid’s lives. I love being a Mother. My children mainly stay with my husband Nickolas Elwell and I see them after work and on the weekends.
One of my favorite parts of being a mother is seeing the children’s personalities grow and shape. I remember one time Gabriel, my oldest, came up to me and said, “Mommy I think it would be pretty awesome if you would buy me a cape so I could save you from the volcano!” My daughter’s, Lillian and Mackenzie, team up against Nick and I and conspire on how to make us laugh. And my youngest, Gavyn, will just pounce on you like a sumo wrestler!!! I remember I came home from a particularly hard day at work. I came through the door and basically dropped on the floor. Gavyn climbed on my back and pretended I was a horse and tapped on my shoulders. HAHAHA. He bent down, looked me in the eye, grinned, and said “Dada”. I know what you’re thinking...but he doesn’t like saying Mama he calls us both Dada.
My other favorite part is the unconditional love and support I get from my children. I know that no matter what, no matter how many times they get in trouble, or are punished they will always say “I love you Mommy!” That makes all the bad things disappear. There really isn’t just one favorite part of being a parent. You have to love it all. I love the way they come up to me and kiss my hand. I love the way they giggle when they burp or fart.
Being a Mother is challenging, but overall exciting.Some of the lessons I did learn are that when your kids is acting up or being fussy, do not assume they are doing it because they don’t want to listen or don’t like you. Children cannot control their emotions like adults. They will act out simply because they are thirsty or tired or maybe they just need a hug.
My son Gabriel came home and was being really rude about everything and I asked him what was wrong and he said “Mom, you didn’t give me a hello hug.” Children feed off our vibes. The other lesson is do not compare your kids or measure their milestones to the other children. They are all different and you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it.My son Gabriel started walking at 13 months, my daughter’s Lillian and Mackenzie started walking at 10 months, and my youngest Gavyn is almost 24 months and hasn’t even tried to walk. HAHA. It’s all up to the child and when they want to do stuff. If you push them they won’t enjoy doing it.
I want to wish all the Mother’s (whether the children are human or canine) a very Happy Mother’s Day!!